Last updated
August 29, 2022

How to Buy Now on Blossm?

You can purchase a listing through Buy Now or by submitting an offer (Make an Offer) to the seller for a listing.

To purchase a listing through Buy Now:

  1. On a listing’s page, select Buy Now.
  2. Enter your payment and shipping information.
  3. Select Submit. Once the seller confirms, your purchase is complete, and you'll shortly receive a notification on the details of your order.

To purchase a listing through Make an Offer:

  1. On a listing’s page, select Offer.
  2. Select Make Offer button
  3. Enter your offer and select Next.
  4. Enter your payment and shipping information.
  5. Select Submit Offer. Sellers have up to 24 hours to accept, decline, or counter your offer. When an offer is accepted and the seller accepts the order, your purchase is complete, and you'll shortly receive a notification on the details of your order.

You’ll receive additional notifications on the status of your order once tracking begins. Blossm will hold your payment to the seller until you receive the order. From the time of delivery, you have 2 days to inspect your item and accept the order.