Last updated
January 26, 2023

How to refund an order as a seller?

Sellers can refund an order if the item is damaged/defective or if they’re unable to fulfill / ship the order. To avoid refunds, we ask that sellers keep their listings up to date and ship orders as soon as possible. To protect the marketplace, frequent cancellations / refunds may impact your selling privileges. If a seller refunds a transaction after the purchase has been initiated, but before the transaction is completed, Blossm reserves the right to charge a refund fee of 5% + $.30 of the item price to cover the cost of transaction fees.

A refund fee may be applied if the item is refunded because:

  • The seller sent the wrong item to the buyer.
  • The seller was unable to ship the item.
  • The seller cancels to change shipping options.
  • The item is no longer available for sale.
  • The item is on hold for someone else.
  • The seller has not shipped within 7 calendar days of purchase.

If you need to cancel your order please reach out to your buyer. Communication is key, and working directly with your buyer will help ensure a smooth cancellation for you and the buyer.

It may take 5-10 business days for funds to settle to back to the buyers card when making a refund.