How to Transfer Soil Plants to LECA

April 11th, 2023
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Transferring a potted plant to LECA is a great way to improve its growth and health. LECA, or Lightweight Expanded Clay Aggregate, is a porous material that provides excellent drainage and aeration for plant roots. We at Blossm like to use glass vases for our plants. It’s a beautiful way to display your plants, you can see the water levels, and you can also keep an eye on your root system. To transfer your potted plant to LECA, follow these simple steps.

  1. Choose a suitable glass vase: Select a glass vase that is large enough to accommodate the root ball of your plant and has a wide enough opening to allow for easy access.
  2. Prepare the LECA: Rinse the LECA thoroughly with water to remove any dust or debris. We also like to boil it to sterilize the balls from unwanted bacteria, fungi, or pests. Soak the LECA in water for 24 hours to allow it to absorb water.
  3. Add LECA to the vase: Add a layer of LECA at the bottom of the vase, about 1-2 inches deep.
  4. Remove the plant from its current pot: Carefully remove the plant from its current pot, being very careful not to damage the roots.
  5. Remove excess soil: Gently remove excess soil from the root ball. You can use your fingers or a small brush. Then, rinse the roots thoroughly with water to remove any remaining soil.
  6. Place the plant in the vase: Set the plant on top of the LECA layer in the case. Adjust the plant’s position, making sure it’s centered in the vase.
  7. Fill the vase with LECA: Add more LECA around the root ball until it’s covered. Gently press down the LECA to secure the plant in place. The pellets should reach just below the top of the pot.
  8. Fill the vase with water: Water your newly transferred plant by pouring water into the pot until it reaches just below the top layer of LECA pellets. This will ensure that your plant has enough moisture without drowning in excess water.
  9. Monitor the plant: Monitor your plant closely over the next few weeks to ensure it’s adjusting well to the new environment. You may need to adjust the watering frequency and fertilization accordingly.

Overall, transferring a potted plant to LECA can be a stunning way to showcase your plant while promoting healthy growth. Just be sure to monitor your plant closely and provide the care it needs to thrive in its new environment.

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